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This is a place of thinking -- mine and yours. Knowledge is fun, and I want to share as much of it with others as possible. If I give you something worthy of your contemplation, then I have succeeded.

In Food for Thought are some ideas about how to solve problems, and alternative possibilities to the simple answer.

Trivia and Puzzles, 'nuf said.

Media contains videos and stuff about interesting science experiments and demonstrations.


An opinion deserving of an argument.

If you believe that what sets us apart from every other living thing on our planet is; the ability to walk upright, abstract thought, opposable thumbs or that we are capable of comprehending our own demise -- well, not quite. It's our immense proficiency at gathering information, storing it and passing it on that makes the difference. It started with -- but these days certainly isn't limited to -- language. Our ability to relate complex ideas rapidly and efficiently gives us a species wide consciousness that can be tapped when needed. I know that answers are not always forthcoming -- or correct -- but you see my point. Strength really does come in numbers -- even if we don't always get along. A lone human is, well -- lunch!